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Dr. Tom Barrett

One thing we should get straight from the outset; Thanksgiving to the Pilgrims was not a time for feasting – it was a time for fasting, prayer and gratitude toward God. They had many times of Thanksgiving, but the feast about which we have been taught was not one of them. The idea of referring to the harvest meal the Pilgrims shared with Indians as “Thanksgiving” was an 18th century invention – 200 years after the fact.
Dr. Tom Barrett
You have a treat in store if you like to learn. One gentleman who received this email wrote back, "The Starter Package was PHENOMENAL!" I think you'll feel the same way.
Dr. Tom Barrett
Since our government has embarked on its suicidal mission to massively increase the amount of worthless dollars it prints, I have embarked on a mission to protect my family from the government’s recklessness.
04/04/2015 - Dr. Tom Barrett
Dr. Tom Barrett

Cuomo personally has the blood of at least 10,000 New Yorkers on his hands, because he forced nursing homes with no China Virus patients to accept 6,500 known infected people. The results were swift. The Virus spread through the nursing homes like wildfire, killing most of the helpless senior citizens who had been kept safe by the nursing homes. He should be indicted – at the least – for negligent homicide, impeached by the NY legislature, and sued for his last penny by the families of the elderly he killed with his Executive Order.
He has run NY State like a dictator, ignoring the legislature and the people, and has made blunder after blunder. By doing hours-long press conferences every day, he blackmailed the federal government into...
Dr. Tom Barrett

Do you care about your overall family income? This can be a combination of one or more salaries plus money earned from a business, rentals, or investments. If it drops, do you worry? If it increases, do you rejoice? If you care about how much money makes its way into your bank account, you should care about GDP. GDP is the growth in the value of all the products and services produced by our nation, and it directly affects your pocketbook. A strong GDP means more jobs, better personal income, and higher savings for retirement and college for your kids.
Dr. Tom Barrett

History - Gold and Silver are the only money used in the Bible - a six thousand year history. Worldwide, Gold and/or silver have been the foundation of every successful economy. Nations that adopted “fiat” currency – paper money backed by nothing, but enforced by the government – have failed. In fact, the lifespan of fiat currencies internationally has been an average of a mere 37 years. Closer to home, the Founding Fathers set Gold and Silver as the only Constitutional money. It took what many consider to be unconstitutional government action to change those provisions of the Constitution.
Safety - The Gold Index is often referred to as the “Fear Index.” When “wars and rumors of wars” arise, people dump their paper money in favor of Gold. It has been a safe store of value for thousands of years. Gold is one of the rarest elements on earth, and the only one to be universally accepted as money. Silver, although not nearly as rare as gold, also falls into this category. You might say that Gold is the King, while Silver is the Prince. In addition to their monetary value, both have decorative value (jewelry, vases) and strong industrial uses. And, as the TV commercials say, unlike any other asset class, “Gold has never gone to zero.”
Protection - Gold and, to a lesser degree, silver, have done an admirable job throughout history of protecting personal assets against the cancer of inflation. Most countries have experienced Hyper-Inflation at some time. All nations have experienced some degree of inflation. An interesting fact is that an ounce of Gold or Silver has bought roughly the same amount of food, clothing, labor, materials, and shelter for over three thousand years. This is because...
Dr. Tom Barrett
I was asked by my long-time friend, Pastor Jim Collins, to speak on Free Enterprise the Sunday before Independence Day. We decided to do a joint message, in an interview format. I thought you might like to view it.
Warning: You may be surprised by our conclusions. It turns out that all we have been taught about capitalism and democracy isn't true.
Warning: You may be surprised by our conclusions. It turns out that all we have been taught about capitalism and democracy isn't true.
Dr. Tom Barrett

Proverbs says that we are to leave an inheritance for our children’s children. Did you notice something strange? It doesn’t say to leave an inheritance for our children, but rather to their children. I don’t think that precludes inheritances for our children, but rather it extends the concept to the next generation. In other words, it speaks to the concept of legacy.
John Berry

Dr. Tom Barrett
Dr. Tom Barrett
Dr. Tom Barrett
Dr. Tom Barrett
Dr. Tom Barrett
Dr. Tom Barrett
Who can we bail out next? How about Europe? Does that sound like more money than the US can afford? No problem – we’ll just print more!
Dr. Tom Barrett

I know Christmas is several weeks away. But you need to act now if you want to give a really significant gift – one that can change lives, and even save lives. Compassion International ( is a wonderful organization that ministers to both the physical and the spiritual needs of impoverished people around the world. And they always make sure that people know the help they give comes from people who love Jesus.
Dr. Tom Barrett
About a year ago a friend called me asking what technical indicator he should use to trade gold. I told him he should not even consider trading gold – he should simply buy it and hold it...
Greg Holloway
When the United States was founded, extreme financial discipline was the rule, not the exception. If the nation did not have the money to acquire an asset or construct a project, it did not spend the money. How quant this concept would seem to our politicians today, who don’t seem to understand the meaning of the term “fiscal restraint.”
Dr. Tom Barrett
Before we put any money into the stock market, we need to define our trading personality. The first step in this process is to determine whether we are traders or investors. Investors usually hold positions for a longer period of time than traders.
Greg Holloway
Once upon a time the United States of America was the world’s wealthiest nation. The dollar was 100% backed by gold. In 1933 the US was on the Gold Standard under which our currency explicitly certified that the there was on deposit in the US treasury Gold payable upon demand to the holder. You could take a $20 bill to any bank and receive a one ounce gold coin in exchange.
Dr. Tom Barrett
The nation of Cyprus has beaten out Britney Spears, murder trials, and basketball for attention in the news cycle for the past week. The only problem is that most TV viewers have little or no idea of where Cyprus is and its significance.
Dr. Tom Barrett
Have you ever heard the media, insurance companies and government officials refer to "Acts of God"? Basically, they blame God for everything from earthquakes to hurricanes. We could debate the theology of this type of thinking, but we'll leave that for another time.
Dr. Tom Barrett
Obama is woefully ignorant concerning US history, or he wouldn’t keep saying that the US has never defaulted on its debt. He has also stated that a default would be “catastrophic.” Neither statement is true. I will demonstrate to you in this article that the US has defaulted on its debt obligations THREE times – and survived. In addition, the US has defaulted on two monetary instruments in its short history. So, if we default it will not be the first time it has happened.
Dr. Tom Barrett
If George Washington were alive today, he would be angry to see his likeness being used on counterfeit currency. There are trillions of dollars of U.S. currency of all denominations in circulation today, bearing the portraits of various dead presidents. They are all counterfeit. And the U.S. coins you have in your pocket or purse? They’re counterfeit as well.
Dr. Tom Barrett
My wife’s mother once told her, “Your education is your inheritance.” Her family had escaped from Castro’s Cuba when my wife, Ana, was 11. They lost everything, including her father’s business, when they left. Although he worked hard in this country, he was almost 50 when they arrived in “Estados Unidos,” and was never able to build up much wealth.
Dr. Tom Barrett
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 14,000 on Friday for the first time in five years. So what? One of the biggest lies in financial circles is that the stock markets reflect the American economy. The reason that many people believe the lie is that it used to be true. This falsehood was particularly helpful in Obama’s bid for re-election.